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Debates, Back Biceps and Legs, & Oat Pancakes


I got myself in a situation on Facebook. I posted something suggesting that Obama was lying. I’m not going into the details. We`’ll just say my post got hit with a lot of comments. My cousin and I have totally different views. I don’t think I’ve ever had a disagreement with her. Although one time I did get mad at her for cutting my cabbage patch dolls hair. 😀 I think It’s pretty amazing that two people can have such different opinions yet get along the way we do. When all was said and done I was grateful for our battle. I learned a lot. I also had a good time coming up with my next comment. I think I aggravated everyone in the house though. I was on Facebook for hours. Wanna know what’s funny? It felt kind of like mommy time to me. A little escape from all my responsibilities to argue.

I cleaned my neighbor’s home today and cleaning for 5 hours is a workout in itself.  I didn’t think I’d have the energy to work out. I went home had a protein smoothie and I was ready to go to town. I did this circuit. I didn’t have a treadmill to use for the running, so I did High knees instead. I warmed up by mixing up jumping jacks and jogging in place for 5 minutes. I cooled down by stretching from my head to my toes for 5 minutes.


For breakfast I made an oatmeal pancake. I put 1\2 cup oats, 1 egg, 1/4 cottage cheese, 1/4 banana, sprinkle of sea salt in blender. Blend well. Turn on the griddle and spray. Pour mixture onto griddle low heat. Flip when ready. I spreaded peanut butter on top and chopped the other 1\4 of banana on top. Poured on my sugar free syrup and dove in. Isn’t this picture someone else took pretty? Someday I’ll get one of those professional cameras. Someday.


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